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At work on a tabletop diorama depicting Edward Hurt’s visionary Aeolusploion flying machine. The story of the craft’s maiden voyage is depicted on pages 13 and 14 of Hurt of the Antarctic.

Need some design help for your worthwhile cause? Please feel free to contact me.

Church photo
Ferguson pointsettias

Poinsettias on a Ferguson Tartan. Acrylics and colored pencil. A gift to my cousin Cynthia Beihle, née Ferguson.

Credit Where Credit Is Due

A website is only as good as its host! My thanks are fully deserved by Dan & Zena Bower, Tom Hart and Omar Kozarsky at Bower Web Solutions of Ringwood, NJ who have hosted most of my websites over many years.  They make all of their clients look good! I am a web designer who knows enough to know what I don’t know. Design is my forté, server-side programming and maintenance is not. The technology is constantly evolving. I am very grateful that I can rely on Bower Web Solutions.